Who's Your Doctor? - Bralow Medical Group

This is my what i want in the future,yes,if you saw it first you may know what is my dream.My dream is to be medical student of University Of Padjajaran (UNPAD) and University of Indonesia (UI),that's my dream since i was a little child,i want to become a good doctor,why would be like that?cause i want to gave others a healthy life and being a doctor is a great job.u can make other healthier and also happier.

i want to become a specializes of orthopedist,what's orthopedist?the definition of specialized of orthopedist is A person who specializes in orthopedics is known as an orthopedist. Orthopedists use both surgical and nonsurgical approaches to treat a variety of musculoskeletal issues, such as sports injuries, joint pain, and back means that specializes of orthopedist is a person who handle the back pain like scoliocis and lordocis.i want to treat many patients who had back pain like me,yes i had a back pain problem but it's not really problem for me.i used that for my motivation for my future to be a doctor.

Sometimes i really insecure about myself.i don't really trusting myself cause i think being medical student is a hard decision and its not that easy for me,u must being crazy smart,u must being extra than others and also many of my friends want to be medical student too.its hard right?but im sure if you trying really hard,you will win this u'r helping yourself throught this all and then you will helping others.its a happiness for me if i'm helping people and if i had lot of sustenance,my patiens didn't have to pay me.just thank you and smile on their faces will make me cry and realize that we must help other people who needs our helps.

my dreams is helping other people,i think u don't need to being doctor if u want to help people but being doctor will made you think whats meaning of life when you helping be honest im writing this while i cried because i don't think i haven't reach my maximum effort.i always pray to Allah and pray 5 times a day but the only thing left is i must reaching my maximum effort.

That's all.that's my dream,what's yours???
